Sunday, January 5, 2014

"I dyed my hair and then everyone else did!" 

A phrase that I have literally heard more than once from a friend of my past. It astounds me that human beings can actually think this way. The infatuation people have with themselves will never make sense to me, but that's clearly something that will only continue to get worse. Between social media and the non-stop connection between people through technology, there really is no down time. I myself am a victim of social media and quite frankly I really don't like it (I wish more than anything I was born in the 50's). There is good with these advances, however there are many negative sides to it. For some reason I keep my social media websites, probably for the sheer fact of boredom and let's be real.. most things online are quite entertaining even if it is at someone else's expense. 

The things I see on the internet today is honestly getting quite ridiculous. Celebrity obsessions, ignorant/sny comments, arguments, trying to "spit game" or my personal favorite.. the attention seeker… but of course being oh so nonchalant about it. 

It's really funny how much people think others care for what they post. Mostly it's funny because everyone seems to think to be extraordinary or think their thoughts are so original and anyone else that does it just wants to be like them. 

My oldest brother recently made a visit from Texas and we got into a discussion about "hipsters" because he has a friend who seems to fit this label fairly well. 

First, I would like to note that I do not encourage nor condone the life style that is considered as "hipster." I don't really believe in labels, especially ones that can be found offensive or unnecessary. I also would like to note that this is my own personal blog, therefor, what I said is just simply my opinions and views of things so no one should really be offended. 

At any rate, this hipster friend my brother was referring to is a gentleman that I have actually met and had the honor to spend a week with. All things aside he is a very bright, kind, and overall great person. That being said, I cannot make him the main target since I do not know him that well. What my brother was talking about is how even though he fits the description of a hipster, (reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers) he refuses to accept the title and denies any affiliation. Totally respectable that one would avoid a title, especially one that is so broad. 

Here's the thing; by denying being a hipster does that indeed connect you to the actual culture that is acting as if they do not conform to any of the ideas? Is saying you are a trend setter but avoiding the responsibility that it is all the same as everyone completely hypocritical? I mean is it crazy to think that when someone believes they are being inventive, that they really are following everything else everyone is doing, thus being a 'hipster' really isn't as creative as one thought? Let's get real her people, there can only be so many trend setters, so if we all think we are being inovative then wouldn't it just be one huge group of the same thing. It's like a double negative. It just doesn't work out.

Well, back to my main point….


Here's some things off the top of my head that I believe to be recent trends:

beanies, tattoos, Uggs (yes I own a few pair myself sadly), North Face jackets (guilty of that too), handlebar mustaches, bleach blonde hair, Hunter boots, construction boots (for whatever reason), Toms, Ray Bans (why the hell would you waste that much money), infinity & anchor tattoos, high wasted whatevers, studded shit, Michael Kors, Batman, cheetah print and the worst thing of all…DUCK LIPS

There is a special place in hell for people who take duck lip selfies!!! (I can't stress this enough)

I am victim to many of the popular fads but that's what our society is and the sad thing that is if you are anything less than these trends then you are considered weird. So I challenge you to step outside of the box. Wear something because you like it, not because everyone else has it. Dye your hair whatever color you want, wear whatever makeup you want, buy whatever shoes you would like. 

What you SHOULD NEVER do is accuse someone of ripping off your "style" because it really was never yours to begin with, right? To be frank, if you really think that another human being would dye/cut their hair like yours because you are just so darn amazing, then you should really just find a hole and crawl into it. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE is that into your life besides yourself. Being conceded isn't a good look for anyone and eventually the true you will show and you will slowly lose any friends you have. 

I know that I have personally decided to cut off friendships because of things like this. Who really wants to hang around someone that is just taking pictures of themselves all the time? I let go of a friendship of 8 years because when I was around this friend it was basically just me and her phone. Taking pictures of something because you think you are the first one to do it, or feel the need to share everything you do in a day is REALLY ANNOYING! 

My piece of advice for the day? Put down the phone. You will live, I promise. Going a few hours without your phone won't hurt you I swear. Live in the moment and actually converse with those around you. Yes, we all get bored when we are stuck at home due to a blizzard but when you are actually doing something then do it, don't half ass it because you are too into your phone or how many likes you can get on a post/picture. I have news for you: if you think that getting likes on posts is one of your top priorities, chances are thats all you will ever amount to. Wouldn't you much rather have people talk about all the great things you have done with your life, rather than people thinking you look attractive in one edited picture? 

Again people, I'm not saying I don't do it, or telling you how to live your life. No need to cut ties with social media. Just realize the importance of doing things with complete interest. You are not the exception. Sorry to break it to you but no one actually cares. 

2 last things…
-If you have to point out a feature about yourself to other people, chances are you are the only one that thinks it's great. (so enough with the pictures of your ass)
-If you want to pretend to be obsessed with Batman at least know who Christian Bale is.